Resilience Secret Mixter Uploads in Progress


About Me
About me-OK, I paint, draw and as of late have found myself making videos. My latest movie is an Album about our children playing and living in Colorado with lots of fun, art, scootering, hiking, having fun in Rocky Mountain National Park, etc. I am learning Adobe After Effects to add fun to the movie. Since I am not a Musician I finally found “ccmixer” with all the unexpectedly great talent. Hopefully there is a way that I can incorporate some of the music. I doubt that anyone would pay money for our movie but I rather not rip anyone off either. If there are people that don’t mind my using the songs I will definitely appreciate this. Sounds just add so much to a movie’s atmosphere. So, this is why I am here.
Member since
Sat, Jul 2, 2011
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Irmelin_Shively has no remixes and has not been remixed
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