Resilience Secret Mixter Mixing in Progress
Octopus Empire:

Octopus Empire

About Me
Sleepwalker is part of the aquatic alien music-production entity that is Octopus Empire.

Based in New Zealand, Octopus Empire writes and produces an eclectic mix of electronica.

Enjoy the music and support New Zealand artists, if you like it - please buy it. If you’d like to contact me you can email

The Octopus Empire is coming…
Member since
Wed, Jul 16, 2008
Feeds and Podcasts for Octopus Empire
Octopus Empire has 2 remixes and has been remixed once.
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Review Stats
Octopus Empire has left 2 reviews and has been reviewed 4 times
Forum posts
Octopus Empire has posted 2 forum messages