Resilience Secret Mixter Uploads in Progress


About Me

I am freelance web developer by profession, and have a life-long love-affair with making music. I written music for nature documentaries, films and have VJed at festivals and for some top acts in London’s club scene.

I studied Music Production and Performance in College, which is where my teacher began calling me “DoctorFilter” because I insisted on changing the Cutoff on every track. I then left and worked as a studio engineer before moving into documentary-editing and DVD production for which I share an award with the producer. Working in film is how I began to write for the screen.

I am currently living in Boston USA, spending my winter programming, making music and playing dodgeball on my wife’s team.

You can get a somewhat out-dated taste of my work here:

Looking forward to meeting new musicians and collaborating on some good sounds.

- Al
Member since
Tue, Jan 27, 2009
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