Imagination Rising Remix Event


About Me
Just starting out in music with very little experience. Take it easy on me if you hear something out of wack. Message me and explain thoroughly cause I probably don’t have a clue but am willing to learn.

I don’t play a instrument and I sing out of tune. I do however like music and listen to a ton of it. I know what sounds good to me so using my new music arrangement software I will try to express that.

I will be remixing new tracks and some artist I find on ccMixter.

Brad sucks started this interest with a music arranger that included one of his tracks that eventually led me here. BBF
Member since
Mon, Sep 13, 2010
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DevineMe is found 2 times in playlists
DevineMe has 2 remixes and has not been remixed
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DevineMe has not left any reviews and has been reviewed 2 times