Imagination Rising Remix Event


About Me
A Little bit about me, I’m 23 years old (half-mexican, half black). I am a mobile dj for small parties and birthday parties. I spin old school, hip-hop, pop, latin, disco (I listen to everything) whatever that gets the crowd moving. In my spare time, I love to dance (Poppin’ and Funk Styles or just getting my boogie on) if by chance you don’t know what that is, I know of a couple of sites to help you better understand! I love making new friends! I’m a cool azz down to earth girl, don’t be afraid to send me a message!

If you want to get into contact with me please email me or hit me up on yahoo messenger! or dj_cp7122000 or

Or on AOL Instant Messenger: djcp7122000

Peace and Keep it Funky,
Candice “PoppinGirlC” “DJ C.P.”
Member since
Thu, Mar 23, 2006
DJ_CP has 1 remix and has not been remixed
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Review Stats
DJ_CP has not left any reviews and has been reviewed 2 times