About Me
My musical solo project THE ZERO ONES Has finished a second full length project titled “Positspot”. Comprised of my original tracks and pantsloads of heavily lifted Negativland sampling, craftily designed to delight and destroy the ears. Unavailable on No Records. While you’re at it you should buy THE ZERO ONES first album B 0 1 also unavailable on No Records. I’ve made a mash-up disasterpiece of rarely unequaled proportion utilizing Brian Eno and David Byrne’s cut-up maverick “My life in the bush of ghosts” and Lawrence freeformers The Psychedelic Popes titled “The Psychedelic Life Of Ghosts” and I just completed “Manatee” a half hour song/tribute to Man Is The Bastard (unavailable)
Member since
Thu, Jan 11, 2007
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