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About Me
Brittney Sparse is Charles R. Terhune, aka Cathode Ray Tube, aka Super Barrio Mothers, aka C-fom label head, aka Founder of “It’s Yoga, Bitches!” International. He began making music at 14, but made noise long before using tape recorders, vacuum cleaners and whatever else he could lay his hands on. In 1999 he founded C-fom records in Boston. C-fom then released the seminal “Boston not London” compilation in 2000 . In 2001, he released “Subzero Sensei” to critical acclaim. Following a thwarted attempt at world domination, he turned to the world of power vinyasa yoga. But there was no beat, so he went out to find it. Brittney Sparse is the result, a paring of simple melodies, concise beats, and sonic architecture all glued together into one beautiful package. Brittney Sparse’s 2004 release “The Mountain Sisters” will be available for consumption in Summer 2004.
Member since
Thu, Feb 16, 2006
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