Imagination Rising Remix Event

How I Did It

Remember the Name (666 Remix)
by Myxmaster_666
Recommends (1)
Mon, Apr 2, 2007 @ 8:55 PM
This upload might be Not Safe For Work

Tools I Used

Sony ACID Xpress

Samples I Used

Remember the Name Acapellas found on this site under a Creative Commons Liscense and Sony ACID 8packs (loops).

Original Samples

original insturmentals to go under the acapellas


set everything up in ACID Xpress. Looped, listened, and mixed until everything came together

Other Notes

Usually RTN is really tough to work with. If you're using Sony's ACID software, you aren't going to have that problem. I feel that this is probably the best remix of RTN i've ever made...