How I Did It
by sabola
Uses samples from:
Samples are used in:
Tools I Used
Logic Express, Amber X, Recycle, POD XT, a mexican fender strat, my friend's nice Rickenbacker bass, an accordian, an upright piano, lots of plugins (had fun trying to use the Sonalksis plugins properly).
Samples I Used
The samples provided by the contest. I played everything else. I signed a form saying I wouldn't sue myself.
Original Samples
New basslines, guitar parts, french horn, accordian, piano
Mashed up some sounds in Amber X, played a new bassline under the vocals and then added other guitar bits that fit. I replayed the first guitar line that was provided by the contest. Stacked a bunch of layers by looping 8 or 16 bars and then started arranging. I added tougher drums, but filtered out the low end of the drums provided so I could use the nice cymbals. At one point I chopped up some of the original drums and rearranged them. What else? Who knows. It was originally around 6 minutes, but then I saw the rules saying it had to be 5, so I had to give it a quick ending. After I was done arranging it was a wall of noise, so I tried to do a little engineering with the Sonalksis EQs and Compressors.
Other Notes
It was fun. This is the first remix I've attempted and completed. I tried to remix my friend Bryce once, but I pissed around and never finished.
Willits seemed to have similar sensibilities to the stuff I make, so I thought it'd be fun to see what I could do. I needed a goal with a deadline, so it was a good project for that. I'm really good at starting songs and never finishing them. I also decided I needed a song with vocals to go on a cd of original stuff that I'm giving my friends for their wedding. So it worked out for that too.