How I Did It

Uses samples from:
Tools I Used
Another GarageBand plaything with some samples prodded a little in Audacity.
Samples I Used
Only sample used is Cerulean Eyes by dvusTroubadour
Original Samples
keys, blips and drums all made from scratch or played through qwerty keyboard into gb.
I got the three note bass riff stuck in my head whilst waiting for a bus one day, by the time I got home I had created several melody parts for it but when I got the chance to record I could only remember those three notes.
From them I made the two variant melody patterns and the panning stabs.
The bass is played on a synth and a real bass to give a nice rounded feel and the drums just kinda happened.
I usually seperate different drum tracks across the speakers whilst editing but decided to leave them split on this one.
The 'vocal' track was dropped a semitoine and put through some filters before being chopped for punchiness.
Other Notes
This could probably be worked up into an eight minute epic ambient trip but the brevity of the piece fits the chopped up poetry and my attention span well. The drums could probably be tarted up a little but overall I like the feel of this one.