Imagination Rising Remix Event

How I Did It

by gurdonark
Recommends (8)
Sat, Jul 1, 2006 @ 10:21 PM

Tools I Used

magix Audio Studio 5
Olympus VH 1000 portable digital voice recorder

Samples I Used

"November Armadillo" I created for another album.
The birdsong and rain are original BY field recordings I created.

Original Samples

birdsong and rain.


I time stretched and pitch-shifted the "lost track" to slow it and bring it down a bit, and then caused it to repeat throughout the track. I melded a nature sample of birdsong, and caused it to repeat somewhat asynchronously to keep it from seeming to repetitious. I added the vocal, and then "November Armadillo", which is stretched to fit better. I took a morph of cfe reverse, and added it in a break and also to fit in the "stormy weather" section. I added the rainfall to the break and to the "weather" section.

Other Notes

Lovely vocal. Charisma defined.
The mild asychrony between beat and vocal is intended to give it an off-kilter feel, to cut against the grain of the gorgeous vocals.
I considered pitch-aligning the vocals and the ambient sample to align them more exactly,but the process created too many pitchy artifacts, so I decided to leave the dissonant interplay in the piece.