
How I Did It

Ninth Ward
by gurdonark
Recommends (3)
Thu, May 18, 2006 @ 10:13 PM

Tools I Used

Magix Audio Studio 10
Slicer, by
byrd-xandar effect plug-in
Anvil Studio

Samples I Used

I used the listed mixter sample, as well as the following samples of my own:
Bob Nose Flute Sample and
three pieces from my recordings:
"Longing for Purity"
"Winter Prairie Meditation" and
"We Wish You".


I placed the MIDI sample by Bruno Dilly in Anvil Studio, which is freeware available at
I then switched all the MIDI instruments to various strings, and slowed the tempo dramatically. Then I used the Slicer sampler to morph the sample. Then I added the various pieces of my own for sonic effect.

Other Notes

I wanted to create a kind of memorial in progress, to capture the sadness, but with a tone that recognizes the hopes as yet unfulfilled.