How I Did It

by Incarnadine
Samples are used in:
Tools I Used
Another all-digital work, so it's all my computer's doing. CoolEdit handled all the sample editing.
Samples I Used
All samples came from Virion's "Seraphim Remix Kit", which was e-mailed to me along with an invite to take part in the competition.
Original Samples
Although I created nothing original for this piece, I did alter a few of the samples, cutting out unnecessary bits where needed. I also put a few of them through a "stretcher" to lengthen them and slow them down so they'd match the piece better.
CoolEdit for the main layout, Audition for final conversion to files (I like its compression better).
Other Notes
It's the first time I've ever taken part in a project in which I was invited, apparently out of nowhere, to participate. I had fun, and I guess that's the important thing.