How I Did It

by Incarnadine
Uses samples from:
more...Tools I Used
I use everything from extended techniques to physical manipulation to digital editing. I do love Audacity though and have been able to retire some hand-built equipment because of it. Final tracking was done with Adobe Audition however.
Samples I Used
I took samples from the contest packs and edited them a bit, running them through a number of filters, Glorfindel Boxes and techniques until I got what I wanted. The vocal track was chopped and placed as required.
Original Samples
The "choom" sound at the beginning, which was created by blowing into the mic and then adding some bass. The fanfare was created by playing the trumpet sound on a keyboard several times, layering the sounds and then slowing it down so it lasted longer.
The final sounds were put together in Adobe Audition at a friend's workstation and exported to both WAV and FLAC for my archive and mp3 to upload here.
Other Notes
Up until now I've only done dance music, text-sound and electro-acoustic pieces, plus a little bit of sampling. This is my first foray into hip-hop and I've had a lot of fun with it.