Season of the Stars: ccM & MP

How I Did It

Final Song
by GeeArtriasRose
Recommends (5)
Tue, Feb 10, 2015 @ 3:58 PM

Tools I Used

Audacity 2.08

Samples I Used

CC music from site (where I am a lifetime member), have used their music for dozens of CC projects. Magnatune is by-nc-sa, and my finished projects are all Share Alike as well.

Original Samples

self-recorded spoken word directly to audacity


listened to lots of music at Magnatune before selecting just the right track and segment, mixed it all with audacity

Other Notes

Fun project for me, love working with Magnatune's excellent selection of music and setting my words to it. This poem came to me in a very lucid dream in which a "dream character" Bob Dylan looked straight at me and gave me the words that essentially became the "chorus". I awoke immediately and wrote it down, sensing it might become a song someday, hasn't yet but still could.