Resilience Secret Mixter Uploads in Progress

How I Did It

The Black Book
by nochea
Recommends (6)
Fri, Dec 12, 2014 @ 7:00 AM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

Ableton Live
Waldorf Blofeld
Axiom 25, 1st gen as midi controler
Native Instruments - Session Horn

Samples I Used

Found Debizzo spoken poem here on ccmixter and immediatly knew it would fit my instrumental.

loved it!



It basically started last week when I decided to deepen my ableton knowledge.

My Blofeld has been waiting for too long on my desk and Ableton seems to be perfect partner.

More precisely I was on the creation process to get an ableton template that matches my gear.

After that, you all know how music happens ;)

Other Notes

It's about 4 nights of work atm. I'm more and more fond of Ableton software.

It has so many features and seems to fit so many situation !