How I Did It

by shadowing
Tools I Used
all done in FL Studio 6 Producer Edition
Samples I Used
The vocals, kick and snare samples are from Fort Minor, released under the CC license on this site
Original Samples
well... let's see
first of all I made 2 dark string patterns...
then I used some hit patterns, about 4 ;
a basic bass to give some motion,
and an acid bass with 3 patterns;
well... I redited the playlist layout at least 5 times... until I was happy, I syncronized the transitions with the verses, added a progressive start and a break at the end...
I finished the work on the mixer efects after that;
it has only a couple automation clips, I didn't want to overcomplicate it... it's full enough... I think
Other Notes
it's supposed to be a darker more in-your-face sound then the original...
I really like the original track, that's why used the beat, well... 2 days' work...
I'm happy with the mix... hope someone else likes it