Imagination Rising Remix Event

How I Did It

TZA Fort Minor remix
by TZA
Recommends (2)
Tue, Mar 28, 2006 @ 11:05 PM

Tools I Used

Cubase SL3, Wave DX Diamond Bundle, EMU MP-7, Yamaha Motif 6 Classic, EMU 0404

Samples I Used

Only the stuff provided by this site for the contest


Cubase SL3 took the REX files automatically but, I had to convert the vocal track from MP3 to wave format, drop the wave in to the Motif 6 for a little touch up and then dumped it back in to Cubase SL3, sliced it a few different ways, timewarped a few spots, reversed one pass of the hook and put a pitch shift on the outro.
The low low bass and the vox is from the EMU MP7 the rest of the instruments that were not in the original files came from my Motif 6

Other Notes

It was a nice lil project and gave me something to try making my whole little rig work together on. I hadn't put the MP7 in the mix in a bit, glad I kept it alive now.