How I Did It

by Admiral Bob
Uses samples from:
Tools I Used
Fostex MR-8, Audacity, Reaper, SM-58, Rednef Twin VST, Fender Telecaster, Fender p-Bass, Yamaha Piano, BOSS DR-880
Samples I Used
Snowflake's "I Can Finally Call You God"
Original Samples
A (real) piano part, two guitar parts, bass, drums, five vocals
Recorded a drum part on the Fostex, because I knew I was going to go around the house recording things. I went upstairs with the Fostex to record the piano part (on a real piano, I wanted the authenticity.) Then I went downstairs and recorded the trebly echo telecaster into the MR-8, and then a bass part.
Moved the files to a computer, mixed them up, wrote a lyric, and recorded a high pitched vocally. It was a little too whiny and thin on its own, so I added some lower backing voices, one octaved down, and the other at a third... I did one set for each channel.
I added a Telecaster (recorded to the computer) doing fills, then mixed it, added some stereo separation, a gentle compression, and then leveled it up with a limiter.
Other Notes
It was hard not make it sound harsh, but I think it turned out alright.