Resilience Secret Mixter Mixing in Progress

How I Did It

Crosstalk (Take 3)
by Javolenus
Recommends (13)
Mon, Apr 1, 2013 @ 11:52 AM

Uses samples from:

Samples are used in:


Tools I Used

Adam Black acoustic guitar fitted with a Seymour Duncan "Woody" pickup. A Samson C01 Studio Condenser mic. Plug-ins: iZotope "Alloy" (used on all audio); iZotope "Trash" (light fuzz tones on guitar); Cakewalk chorus & delay FX (on guitar and bass solo); "Watkat" tape echo (lead guitar); iZotope "Ozone" for mastering.


I recorded the acoustic guitar on two channels, utilising the Seymour Duncan pickup and the Samson condenser mic (on the soundhole). I recorded two guitar takes--basically jamming to the bass&drum groove. I kept the guitar "loose" and aimed for a non-structured "live jam" feel. I edited the guitar audio to create two separate tracks--a "lead" track and a secondary "ambient" track consisting of clicks, slaps and other noises. The "lead" track was then cloned and panned Left & Right--I added light chorus & delay to one channel and light fuzz plus tape echo to the other. The "ambient" guitar track was also chorused & delayed and panned very wide. I added light chorus & delay to the bass solo. I further edited the guitar audio (and also some of the bass audio)--removing over-busy phrases to create more space. I cloned the original drum track and added iZotope "Ozone" (exciter, filter, reverb); I pasted this extra drum track in just for the bass solo to try and lift the drum dynamics slightly. I mastered the whole thing with "Ozone", adding some "room reverb".

Other Notes

It's a great bass groove. I jammed along in a totally spontaneous way, paying little attention to technical stuff--just trying to create a vibe. I incorporated percussive slaps to the guitar body and fretboard, as well as some harmonics.