Resilience Secret Mixter Uploads in Progress

How I Did It

Tunnel Worm (war cry megamixx)
by Dasubot
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Thu, Mar 2, 2006 @ 3:29 AM
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Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

Korg M1 for triggering, FL Producer,
Cool Edit Pro, like a bajillion plug-ins, outboard fx.

Samples I Used

I used Ms. Vybes jams. Attribution license.

Original Samples

This song was 100% programmed. It is only about 80% complete as it stands, but I really wanted to put this version out before I put out the full version on my new CD


I sequenced it. I cut, I spliced, I cut again, and so forth until I had some semblance of a song before me in cool edit. After some very tired mixing, I rendered a final copy and uploaded. The end (imagine that).

Other Notes

I'd really like for ppl to let me know if the'd wanna collab on some new Electro tracks I have brewing....