How I Did It
by Admiral Bob
Samples are used in:
Tools I Used
Audacity, Reaper, Fender Telecaster, P-Bass, BOSS drum machine, M-Audio Keystudio.
Samples I Used
I used a piano solo, string intro, and "Truth" from OnlyMeith.
Original Samples
I created a drum track, bass, track, guitar track, and sang a vocal.
I found some pieces that sounded simpatico, and when I heard OMCraig Piano solo, knew I could use that as a middle eight. The keys were a semitone away from Truth, so doing some slight tempo and pitch shifting didn't change their tenor too much. I put the strings at the beginning and end, and did a bit of slice and dice on Truth to turn it into intro and verse-like sections.
Because the string don't have piano and the various parts didn't sound like an identical keyboard, I put down a few extra notes of piano to try and smooth it out and hold it together.
Then I added a vocal, and laced the remaining empty space with Phil Manzanera style guitar.
Other Notes
I know this does have a bit of a religious feel to it, and I hope that doesn't offend anyone. Its just what came out - I was thinking about a bunch of guys that I bonded with over this theme, and it just happened.
Just imagine it is about Thor from the comic books or something, if it isn't your cup of tea. :)