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How I Did It

by deutscheunschuld
Recommends (4)
Tue, Jan 10, 2006 @ 8:23 PM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

wavelab, cubase sx, vst-instruments....waves plug-ins


wanted the vocals a bit more bitchy, so i slightly distorted the pella and used a pitch-shifter with a preset called "borg" with a mix amount of about 10%...compressed and limited....loaded it into cubase, stared building the beat in battery....added the bass, used arturias minimoog v for that....v-station and pro 53 for the leadsounds....compressed the drums, synths,bass seperately....also seperate compression for the two have one really low and one mith more attack but less bassy....mixdown, then imported the whole track into wavelab, slight overall compression to tame the spiky peaks that were left .....finally, some limiting to get my desired average rms power level....