
How I Did It

by gurdonark
Recommends (5)
Thu, Dec 22, 2005 @ 6:32 AM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used Slicer
Magix Audio Studio 5

Samples I Used

The listed Outsider sample

Original Samples

My own rendition of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" from my novelty CD, "Gurdonark's Unfortunate Awfully Kazoo Christmas", which, by the way, just won "Best of the Best--2005" from the ezine Kazooz


I placed the kazoo song on one track, and the intro to the Outsider song on another track.
I pasted the Outsider track in a time or two to make it fit the kazoo piece. Then I exported to wave, placed them in my sampler, and morphed them into the ambience posted.

Other Notes

Glendover Pond is in a tiny pocket park near my home in Allen, Texas.
Every day in tihs time of year, the one resident park duck is joined by scads of wood ducks and mallards. Soon, though, they head on down to the Gulf of Mexico, leaving the solitary park duck to her meditations.