How I Did It

by Admiral Bob
Samples are used in:
more...Tools I Used
A Fender Telecaster, P-Bass, bongos, shaker, M-Audio Keystudio, Reaper, an SM-57
CSV Saxophone
Organized Trio
Isotope Vinyl (for the voice.)
Samples I Used
Lessig's "Strike the Root" and/and by way of spinningmerkaba's RootStriker pack.
Original Samples
Everything in the zip file (bass, three guitar parts, organ, sax, the vocal.)
I thought "money buys results" was a great hook, so I spliced up only that section, and left some holes to fill. I added in some shaker and bongos, so that the song could end decisively on something, rather than fade out.
I added the bass and then doubled the part on the guitar (a trick I learned in a funk band I was once in), then added the ninth chord part. I added the organ and then sax (which is mostly used to do the Baritone thing, ba-dup), and finally blew a short lead onto the end of the thing to take it out.
Then I added the vocal, put it through Isotope vinyl, and then used envelope editing as a manual filter to make it sound weird.
Other Notes
Hey, I just want to make people dance.