Resilience Secret Mixter Mixing in Progress

How I Did It

My Supergirl
by johnnok
Recommends (16)
Fri, Oct 14, 2005 @ 10:06 PM

Uses samples from:

Samples are used in:


Tools I Used

Reason 2.5, Adobe Audition 1.5, Yamaha Final Master vst.

Samples I Used

Vocals: Lisa DeBenedictis - Girl and Supergirl
Music box - sHORT fACED bEAR "Clockwerk"
"Live" drums: Reason Drum kit Refill - using fresh 131 12 kit with all the mics on, a bit of bleed added.
Orchestra strings from reason default soundbank.
Other instruments:
Blips.rfl for some video game bleeps and blops.
Bass: Peff - Rectified Bass refill
Peff 020 - Stradivarius Violin.rfl
Additional music box - Sonic reality's omnisoundz refill and the xmas music box from Lobotomy refill (all these extra instruments are from free refills)


Very little processing has been done on the vocals if at all, just an RV7000 reverb unit with RV-1 Springverb preset and almost no delay on the main vocal with some compression/para eq. For the "Girl and supergirl" parts I've used some delay, compression, filters and para eq. The vocals were chopped up in Audition and then imported to reason into the NNXT sampler. Some pitching was done the vocals i.e. when she says supergirl at one part near the last half of the song where the note goes up. NNXT also played a big role with the samples I cut from sHORT fACED bEAR's "Clockwerk". Some reversing going on at parts here and there. Most of the song was made from alone just from clockwerk itself. The process which took the longest was cutting up the vocals and trying to sync them as best I can. For the beat that comes near the end, I chose to do something suitable for a 136 bpm range but I had to scale it up x2 because the bpm I used was 68 to preserve the tempo. There is not much in terms of post processing because I've already tried cleaning everything up in reason. The whole mix goes through a vocoder for adjusting the band levels and then 3 compressors. Usually I would have used drumkit from hell superior (a *very* good recommended software drumkit suite, but seeing as I'm kinda loaded with all the samples I cut I wanted to use all mem and cpu carefully and also stick to one application. On most other days I would either have Nuendo/buzz/psycle/modplug loaded which makes things very complicated once I start swapping things between applications. The reason I chose to do this tune in Reason is mostly because I'm lazy and want things done quickly, only to backtrack later to fix glitches here and there. There is not much on the technical aspects on this tune. I didn't use any vst's except yamaha's Final Master to make the final mp3. I used the "punchy mix" preset. Better results would have come out if I had used izotope or waves diamond bundle of plugins, but being lazy took care of that. I know all this information probably doesn't help, but if someone has something specific that they would like to know, please drop me a line so that I can try to answer it as best I can.

Other Notes

Computer specs:
1.3ghz duron
ram: 896megs
Soundcard: SB Live value

PS - I'm not very good at doing how-to's