Imagination Rising Remix Event

How I Did It

Hobo's Son - remix
by teru
Recommends (5)
Sun, Oct 2, 2005 @ 3:19 PM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

FL Studio, FL Slayer 2, FL Keys, Hip- Hop Drum Kit.

Audacity, High pass filter, Tempo Change.

Samples I Used

Vocals by Ronan Tyrell.

Original Samples

Guitar, drums, keys and fxs.


Looped w/ FL Studio.
Recorded and encoded w/ Audacity.

Other Notes

A lot of cut and paste with Audacity. I really like the "tempo changed" slow building sound at the transitions and at the end. It's the same guitar power chord but reversed and slowed down -80% tempo. It makes a really cool reberb-y sound. : )