
How I Did It

Under my apple tree
by Donnie Drost
Recommends (24)
Fri, Jun 4, 2010 @ 5:27 AM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

Fender Western Guitar, my brand new E-MU 0404 USB Interface, Ableton Live, MIDI Keyboard

Samples I Used

Just the great "YOU" sample from Ciggi.

Original Samples

Everything "handmade"


As I am in some kind of melancholic mood, I'm listening to a lot of quiet music (Trip-Hop etc). Therefore I found an old album from Charlotte Gainsbourg (5:55), wonderful music. Cigi's voice sounds similar and I started to play around with my guitar. Some when, I got lost in a Blues style, no idea why. Finally I just record everything and put it together. Drums are from Ableton, which I modified just a bit. Synths at last, ready.

Other Notes

My inspiration:

Charlotte Gainsbourg