
How I Did It

You know how it is
by mullion
Recommends (13)
Tue, Mar 2, 2010 @ 3:58 PM

Tools I Used

Mac Pro
Propellerhead Reason & Record, Cubase 5

Samples I Used

One Rex file from Zero-G (the beat). All the rest is from Reason's Factory Sound Bank


I got this idea to do a track in the jungle genere after watching this really cool piece on youtube. Almost randomly I picked a few samples from the ccMixter archive only caring for the tempo matching the genre (approx 81 bpm, which is half the speed of the rex file I had in mind). Except from moving one note in one of the pellas down a seminote using Cubase VariAudio I was lucky to make them (sort of) work together without to much hassle.