
How I Did It

by teru
Recommends (7)
Wed, Aug 31, 2005 @ 11:49 PM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

FL Studio, FL Keys, Slayer 2, FPC kit, FL Reverb, FL Phaser.
Audacity, Audacity Compressor, Audacity Noise Removal.

Samples I Used

Choose vocals by Ran Dumb Dots w/ heavy FL Reverb. Thanks RDD.

Original Samples

FL Keys, Slayer and FPC drum kit.


FL instrument loops set to vocals at 80 BPM. Recorded and MP3 encoded with Audacity.

Other Notes

I usually use Audacity Echo or G-verb for effect but this time I tried FL Reverb. Sounds a bit muffled. I think I may need more practice. Anyways I prefer the Audacity effects which let me input variables as opposed to the FL knob. I do think FL effects sounds a bit better though. So I'll keep playing around.

I also used a lot of FL Phaser set at a very slow rate and Audacity Noise Removal for a tinny, metalic sound.