
How I Did It

p6 chord 20090729
by Nickleus
Recommends (2)
Wed, Jul 29, 2009 @ 2:45 AM

Tools I Used

korg microkorg xl
program: b27 p6 chord

in this program you get a weird effect the first time you push a key, as you hear in the intro of this sample. to continue playing without that effect i simply held in the C key the entire time while pushing the other keys. from what i can tell you cant play chords in this program, so holding in a key has no effect on the subsequent key pressing other than removing the wah effect.

Other Notes

just a side note. i finally didnt have to adjust the gain on my recording in audacity this time. i dont know exactly what happened, but i updated ubuntu today and this time in the preferences window, playback device and recording device were both set to:
ALSA HDA Intel ALC268 Analog (hw:0,0)
whereas before playback device used to automatically be:
ALSA default
and recording device was:
ALSA HDA Intel ALC268 Analog (hw:0,4)

the newer setup (hw:0,0) seems to be working way better =)