
How I Did It

the seed thrust downward
by mutagene
Recommends (10)
Sat, Jul 11, 2009 @ 4:28 AM

Samples are used in:

Video: Tree House by seahue

Tools I Used

 →cubase 2.2 (windows)

 →kontakt 2 (arcade bits, sawed off cello bits, flebby accordian bits)
 →oddity (lead, arpy synth complement)
 →imposcar (arpy synth)
 →minimonster (bass at end D#->E or whatever note it's on)
 →absynth 2 (pads)
 →monologue (sine lead thing near start)

 →fitchsplitter (vocs)
 →Timeless (I think, also vocs)
 →cubase EQs, delays, modulators(?)

Original Samples

The original rumble sample came from some pitch shift / time stretch / reverb stress testing on the mac. I like rumbles, though this one was ridiculous with the < 20Hz content.


Started with the rumble, the sawed off cello hits, the sitar-like filtered pitchshifted cello and some noodly monologue. Noodly monologue got a bit too decorative for my taste, so removed just about all of it. I've almost never managed to get Imposcar to work in a song of mine, despite owning it for years, so I thought I'd try again with the arpy/belly thing which probably originated with the "radiophonic" preset.

At some point I wanted vocals, so downloaded Fireproof Babies' medieval thing and Anchor Mejans reading of Suitcase. Liked both but tried Suitcase first and stuck with it. Wanted the vocals to sound more internal, though, so put on all the effects. With the vocals in, I felt it needed something more at the end so through on the drumatic/minimonster. Didn't like the plainness of the drums, so put them through a second 2WarpDelay instance with short delays and high feedbacks to give the feedback whines in the right ear.

Other Notes

Mejan's reading was/is very nice. I enjoyed working with many of the same samples I had previously used in 'the quarter lost'. Right now I'm sick of both songs, but I think I might appreciate the continuity at some point in the future.