How I Did It

Uses samples from:
Tools I Used
Cubase 5 feat. LoopMash and GrooveAgent One, a heavy dosis of NI Kore2 sounds, mixed only with Cubase-shipped FX plug-ins on my iMac.
Samples I Used
No samples, except the vocals.
I jammed with sounds while playing back the vocals, got to some basic idea of elements and general structure and then did the rest of the 90% of recording, arranging, heavy tweaking and mixing. Took about 16 hours in 3 sessions, all in all.
Other Notes
It was fun, the vocals really inspired me. The original tempo suggested some sort of DnB stuff as groundwork, but I am not really good at "real" DnB so I have added more an electro/pop layer and structure on top. Together with the vocals it feels like a pop tune with that twist of heavy electronic attilery to get you going.