Imagination Rising Remix Event

How I Did It

Queenie's Dream of Flight
by DJ Libertarian
Recommends (2)
Sat, Apr 18, 2009 @ 8:48 PM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

I primarily use ccMixter for samples and FL Studio 8 for mixing. I create a lot of material from scratch in FL Studio 8.

Samples I Used

I cam across Queenie's "Dream of Flight" and thought it was fantastic, so I downloaded the audio and started messing around.

Original Samples

I attribute it all to FL Studio 8 & Queenie at this point. Fruity Loops is very powerful software, and I'm still a beginner with it. I don't think I've spent more than 72 hrs total with the software yet, and with digital media editing, most of that time is spent just tinkering.


Downloaded samples, threw them into the program, tried out different beats with the music, tinkered with it for a couple hours, cleaned up my mess, and uploaded the track.

Other Notes

I had a bit of difficulty getting my beats to match with the tune, and I still don't think it's perfect, but I'm happy with what I achieved considering this is my first attempt at a remix.