Resilience Secret Mixter Uploads in Progress

How I Did It

The Magic Writer #1 (PoPPin' ...
by Ic3m4n
Recommends (1)
Wed, Apr 8, 2009 @ 4:58 AM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

- SIDplay (to record the C64 sounds)
- Fruity Loops 8.0.2
- Adobe Audition

- AradazMaximizer5 v1.4
- and lots of FL-Plug-Ins ;)

Samples I Used

The scratched & sliced vocal is a quote from the movie "Alien".

Original Samples

Everything was made up from loops used.
Had to cut the original vocals by the Spaced Out Crew into pieces, if that counts as samples ;)


Since the original track is a neverending loop, i started to choose wich part will become the chorus.
After that i layed out a first arrangement (with all parts incl. break & chorus).
Then i added the beat & i added the prepared vocals and finally i added the FX. Then there was the long process of mixing this piece. The very last touch-up was the "crybaby" sample

Other Notes

This is the first of (maybe) 10 episodes of "The Magic Writer". Back then the title had another meaning: you could type your text and the C64 recorded everything (untill the memory is full :D). When you watch your demo, you can see the "Magic Writer" typing.
The meaning of my remix-episodes is a different: i search for really good lyrics & vocals, that represents the the "Magic Writer" is the author of the lyrics. Hard to explain in english, but i hope you got the point.

Thanks to the Spaced Out Crew for those awesome work !!