
How I Did It

Amerikans Tripsters
by beatbros
Recommends (10)
Tue, Dec 16, 2008 @ 1:18 PM

Tools I Used

Cubase Le
Roland Handsonic 10
Alesis Qs6
Emu 0404
Evolution mk 461c
Tascam studio monitors

Samples I Used

Just some self-made synth loop for fxing

Original Samples

All except voice that is from Marc Deon


We put the voice in time/pitch we want to use , then we simply plugged our midi instruments and started to arrange a very basic music line , according to the voice.
Listening-tuning-listening to arrange the synths .
Eq and final mix

Other Notes

We enjoyed Marc's voice mood but we want to slide from the strong "rock" tone that the voice suggest itself to find our way into a more electro style.