Imagination Rising Remix Event

How I Did It

Hope It's Real Love Next Time
by spinmeister
Recommends (19)
Fri, Jun 27, 2008 @ 8:31 PM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

12 string acoustic guitar (Takamine), 6 string electric (Ibanez S Classic), Ibanez SR 900 electric bass, Cubase 4, Melodyne Plugin, NI Guitar Rig 2, Access Virus TI, Hypersonic 2 VSTi, Stylus RMX VSTi


Wrapped my own chord progression around the original a cappella. There were so many places to go, I almost got stuck not being able to make up my mind amongst the plethora of choices. :-)

Did some minor manipulations of the vocal tracks, added several harmonies.

Re-tuned the 12 string acoustic a semi-tone up to an F tuning, because it just didn't sound the same with a capo.