How I Did It

by TheJoe
Samples are used in:
more...Tools I Used
Cubase 3.1 on an Atari ST2, my (beloved) EMU 6400, Roland JX8P, Roland D 70, Ensoniq TS 12
Samples I Used
All drum samples were coming from the emu libraries, except the handclap that was sampled from another source.
Created the drums in the drum editor and triggered the EMU.
The e-piano coming from the old Roland D 50 causes phasing problems, so do`_t press the mono button ;-)
The synth lead is an TS 12 minimoog bass sound and played in a higher range.
The bass was coming from the terrific Roland JX 8P.
Other Notes
ten year old track, I don_t remember what happened else to make this simple tune....:-)