
How I Did It

Got To Rock (StreetBall Mix)
by Ezy Axis
Recommends (9)
Mon, Jan 28, 2008 @ 1:54 PM

Uses samples from:

Samples are used in:


Tools I Used

Reason, Recycle, Cakewalk Kinetic. Dean Bass through a Tiny Kustom bass amp. Gibson SG through a classic Thompson International Corp cry baby wah (bought in 1979 or so) into a Fender Blues Junior amp. Zoom H4 to do the sample recording.

Samples I Used

Some basic scratching samples in Reason, one scratch sample I made in Cakewalk Kinetic. Kurt at created the string swell. One of the drum beats was a rex file provided with Reason. Amen break.

Original Samples

Bass line, Wah Guitars.


All the original samples and looperman samples I formatted in Recycle. I then arranged everything in Reason.