
How I Did It

My Impure Memories of Osaka
by gurdonark
Recommends (2)
Tue, Jun 26, 2007 @ 7:45 PM

Uses samples from:

Samples are used in:

Web Page: ?p=30 by Dr. Melissa

Tools I Used

Sawcutter 2.0
magix audio studio 10

Samples I Used

the credited a capella and samples I created:
a faux theremin sound, a commemorative bell and some bolts hopping about.


I assembled my samples in sawcutter 2.0, a 25 dollar synth/sampler, and wrote the song on its sequencer. I enhanced bass resonance on the vocal and added it to the mix.

Other Notes

The faux Japanese setting would be more fun, in some ways, if applied to the Swedish poem 'pella on the board, but I wanted to create that sense of immersion without comprehension from a trip I took last February.