Imagination Rising Remix Event

How I Did It

Last Stand (on the run mix)
Recommends (16)
Mon, Jun 18, 2007 @ 11:34 PM

Tools I Used

live, sonicbirth, mac, oxy8, firewire 410

Samples I Used

started with piano sample from zero g that i liked and the interesting police scanner samples from freesound

Original Samples

played live synths for strings and pads


took the main breathy vocal sample added some effects to it on one track. then brought it in one the 2 of a seperate track and chopped the heck out of it to get a bit of a more glitchy feel going.

took the piano loop and detuned in up 6 for some highs and down 6 for some lows and they sounded decent together. all piano sounds in the track came from one bar loop that i just detuned several different time.

then based all the sounds around those keys and adjusted all the parts from loops and orginal samples accordingly to have the sound sound at least some what in the same key...don't know if i pulled it off. :)

added a bunch of effects from live and sonic birth to the vocal samples.

layered in a bunch of drums:
-bass/sub layer - i added a bunch of reverb
-kick to give a little heart beat effect
-a layer of straight funk drums
-tossed in the heavy bass drums that kick in about half way through and added some reverb

Other Notes

wanted to do a cinematic kinda piece and this one had this fugitive kinda...on the run thing happening as i built it up...don't know if it all works but was hoping for an emotive kind of vibe.

let me know if you like it.