Od ciebie zależy - Wuszu feat.Masia (beat.Wuszu)
media, original, editorial_pick, bpm_090_095, ambient, electronic, female_vocals, funky, guitar, loops, synthesizer, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, 128kbps
The Mixversation
"Od ciebie zależy - Wuszu feat.Masia (beat.Wuszu)"
by wuszu 2005 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. ![]() Editorial pickSmooth. Only picking this because I know ASHWAN wants to pick this but he just picked another song, so I’m going to pick this just to pick on him. : ) But seriously this is so smooth. Wuszu provides excellent production and vocals to Masia’s oh-so-beautiful voice. teru