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fairytale baby!

uploaded: Sat, Aug 25, 2012 @ 4:07 PM
byVictoria Melfi
Recommends (8)
I am a fan of Mr. Méjans lyrics… here is a freewheelin’ interpretation of “fairytale” - I tried to envision Dinah Shore a little tipsy - with a touch of Angie Dickensen…..

We’re living in a fairy tale baby
“Once upon a time”
Is our venue
Castle on the corner of Someday & Maybe
Los Angeles, New York
The human zoo

I left a trail of breadcrumbs
For you baby
Thrown out the window of my SUV
Took a long time to get to Vegas
After the slots - I’ll win the Lottery

Don’t forget to fill all our prescriptions
We’ll need them for the beanstalk scene its true
The golden egg mac-muffin makes me crazy
And I know what bling can do for you

Dom Pérignon from a glass slipper
Little black dress on the floor of our bedroom
You’ve got me fumbling with my zipper
And the digital camera’s zoom

Out by the pool
Your skin is shinning
You’re sleeping beauty sun tanned dreams conceal
The thoughts you really may be thinking
A wake up kiss may seal the deal.

“We need a long vacation baby
A town and country all our own
A place where everything is pretty”
You text’d me from your new cell phone

Lately I’ve been feeling something broken
A numbness creeping like a cat
Pour me a cocktail let’s forget it
Sweep all that underneath the mat

We need a happy ending baby
fly off into the great big blue
its what we need and we deserve it
now that we’ve joined the chosen few

"fairytale baby!"
by Victoria Melfi

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