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Apache Dance

uploaded: Tue, Aug 21, 2012 @ 8:06 AM
byVictoria Melfi
Recommends (7)
I interpret Anchor Méjans lyric adaptation and melody:

Apache dance
I can’t forget
A small dark girl
A cigarette
A puff of smoke
A glittering gun
Fat Americans on the run

Her eyes aflame
As lips sipped wine
The stars above could not outshine
I crossed the bridge
My heart to save
And threw my fears into the Seine

She left my life
That much is true
Another man out of the blue
Has cleared my slate
Now high and dry
I gaze into an empty sky

(note: the 1st verse of this song is adapted from an original old lyric, now public-domain N. Ruedi)

"Apache Dance"
by Victoria Melfi

2012 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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