Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » SO SHA » "I N S I D E M E"


uploaded: Mon, Feb 6, 2023 @ 7:58 AM last modified: Mon, Feb 6, 2023 @ 8:10 AM  (add)
FeaturingSO SHA
Recommends (25)
Setting this song free! x Sample below is one of the first versions of it, ever :)

The 2am drive version is now out *everywhere* on < - - please follow me there, too!

It’s gotten support on BBC Introducing here in the UK, as well as Reprezent Radio, Resonance FM and other stations :)

The cinematic remix will be officially out soon!

THANK YOU in advance for listening and being open to remix this song. It was finished and released during an insane time of my life here in the UK:) From homelessness, breaking up with friends, and a partner to finding home in myself again. This is one of my favourite songs so far x


this song is about my old life, growing up in nightclubs at the age of 13 onwards to co-owning a club by the age of 23 with the most successful partyphiles in the country whilst still a uni student … a crazy life full of private planes, hanging out with celebrities, and (giving) doing drugs with Hollywood actors, 120 ft. yacht boats - it was a surreal life even before I hit the age of 21. so where do I go from there? this is what that song’s about. breaking the ceiling of expectation for someone like me - and going to another place (the UK!) to see how far I can go. this is a song of forgiveness and finding the message in the mess of that hedonistic world I left behind to see that I can grow and make something different x

E Minor



I never felt at home in my DNA
Cus i was taught to feel it should be that way
I grew up believing
I can’t break the ceiling

I wish that i could fly to a better state
Pack a bag and leave this city (Manila)
on an aeroplane
Wherever it takes me
I know that i’m ready ← trill


Pulling out the stitches and breaking the seems
showing all my scars and i’m letting them heal
Cus i know i know i know
That I’ll grow i’ll grow i’ll grow (slide down)


I always chased the lights
But I’m done with hiding
Because i found the message
inside the wreckage
Around me

I’ll never change the tide
but i’m done with fighting
Who I’m meant to be cus the
Missing piece has
Always been
Inside me


i can face the things that make me insecure
Even when a window closes i can find a door
show all my secrets
Set, fire to my regrets


Pulling out the stitches and breaking the seems
showing all my scars and i’m letting them heal
Cus i know i know i know
That I’ll grow i’ll grow i’ll grow (slide down)


I always chased the lights
But I won’t be hiding
Because i found the message
inside the wreckage
Around me

I’ll never change the tide
but i’m done with fighting
Who I’m meant to be cus the
Missing piece has
Always been
Inside me

I wanna trade the crowded clubs for that centre stage
But ima keep all of the pictures and the memories
And i won’t forget my roots when i start again
When i start again

I wanna trade the crowded clubs for that centre stage
But ima keep all of the pictures and the memories
And i won’t forget my roots when i start again
When i start again

co-produced/co-written with: PENGWIN, Sarah de Warren

Contents of ZIP Archive: versestems

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Contents of ZIP Archive: prechorussvoxtems

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"I N S I D E M E"

2023 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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