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Mozart & ccMixter Drums

uploaded: Sat, Jul 27, 2024 @ 12:20 AM last modified: Mon, Jul 29, 2024 @ 8:11 PM  (replace)
Featuringtigabetaz, unreal_dm, jaspertine, billraydrums
Recommends (11)
After listening to Admiral Bob’s awesome Gregorian Misericordias Domini, a subsequent internet search led to Mozart’s Misericordias Domini.

ccMixter drums and percussion were added to MIDI driven synth and sound plugins. Deleted the middle section of the Mozart piece to keep the overall length about twice the length of Bill Ray’s drums.

TRF’s MIDI synth/sound plugins: Flex, Sakura, Dune CM, Sytrus, MODO Bass 2, Morphine, Mini Mogue VA, Harmor, Hand Crash

ccMixter drums:

Tigabeatz’s Udu bars 1 through 35

unreal DM drums with jaspertine kick and cymbals accents bars 22 through 35

Bill Ray’s drums bars 36 through 69

"Mozart & ccMixter Drums"
by texasradiofish

2024 - Licensed under
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