Color of Blue (lofi mix)
Created a lower fidelity mix of Color of Blue using the reference track here.
At the next to last stage of the master track, added the Waves Studer J37 tape saturation plugin set to the 15” speed using the Abbey Road Default preset. Wikipedia states the Studer J37 is most famous tape recorder so you know that must be true “:0) At the last stage of the master track added the freeware Izotope Vinyl plugin set to a worn and dusty 1960s 33 rpm record.
lofi_summer, remix, media, bpm_060_065, editorial_pick, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR, lofi, chill, bossa_nova, tape_saturation, 1960s_record, 33_rpm, bass, drums, fligelhorn, galveston_county, downtempo, texas
The Mixversation
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Martijn de Boer (NiGiD) (NiGiD), Kara Square (mindmapthat), Speck, @nop (Lancefield), Widard Izier (widardizier), Radioontheshelf, Bluemillenium, Rewob, airtone, spinningmerkaba (jlbrock44), cube3, latopa (latopa_zm), Donnie Ozone (donnieozone), 892, SackJo22, martinsea (softmartin) Found in 1 playlists
"Color of Blue (lofi mix)"
by texasradiofish 2021 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. Editorial pickHave the bartender make you another tequila sunrise, it’s medicine…just like this mix. spinningmerkaba
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