Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Take Two Shots

uploaded: Fri, Dec 10, 2010 @ 11:31 PM last modified: Fri, Dec 17, 2010 @ 9:33 PM  (replace)
FeaturingWilliam Frick, GuestsofNature, Forensic, ElRon XChile (mixing)
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ElRon XChile brought his jam buddy, William Frick, to the project studio to record. We said to Frick, “just play your guitar and don’t worry about the how well you follow the backing track in G.” After listening to Frick’s recorded tracks then cutting and pasting his rhythm and lead guitar, the result is a bass and drum heavy rock collage entitled “Take Two Shots” in E featuring GON and 4NSIC. Only the bass remains from the backing track over which Frick recorded; pitched down to E ‘;0)

“Take Two Shots” could have been titled, “Frick ‘n’ GON” or “Feel It”, but 4NSIC’S take two shots rang through and true ‘:0)

ElRon’s having too much fun: Reversed a couple bars of Frick’s lead riff at 1:55, and ran 4NSIC’s take two shots phrase through a vocoder with Frick’s guitar at 0:25

"Take Two Shots"
by texasradiofish

2010 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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