Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Ghosts of Lees

uploaded: Tue, Jan 17, 2012 @ 10:48 AM
FeaturingKaer Trouz, Audiotechnica, Colab, Admiral Bob, The Paloseco Brazz Orchestra & Slap Johnson
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From Colab’s upload I used the “Bass Blip” and “Electric Bass” tracks.
From The Admiral’s upload I used part of the “Guitar” track (again).
From the Paloseco Brazz Orchestra’s upload I used the muted trumpet part.
From Slap Johnson I used the following loops (found and to be found on the Looperman website):
- “looperman_67443_8906_Baracasa sax 1.wav”
- “looperman_67443_8904_Baracasa sax loop 2.wav”
- “looperman_67443_8903_Baracasa sax 3.wav”
- “looperman_67443_8902_Baracasa sax 4.wav”

Background vocals by Francesca.
Drum grooves by Ricard “Huxflux” Nettermalm.

I once again tried to stay out of the way as much as idiotly possible.

And don’t you forget it, boys and girls. Subliminal loves y’all!

"Ghosts of Lees"
by Subliminal

2012 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

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