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A Day Late and a Dollar Short

uploaded: Fri, Apr 22, 2011 @ 12:27 PM last modified: Fri, Apr 22, 2011 @ 12:31 PM  (add)
bySteven M Bryant
Recommends (12)
Lyrics and Melody by Steve Bryant

Well I’m On my way to an interview
I need this Job I’m overdue
My Lucks gotta change I need to pay the rent
Well I brushed my teeth and Combed my hair
Found out the Jobs no longer there
And here I was with my money already spent
Well I’m a day late and a dollar short
Before too long I’ll end up in court
A day late and a dollar short

Here I was on my way
I was trying to set things right
then I find out to my dismay
I aint gonna eat tonight

I was on my way to this interview
I needed this job I’m overdue
But I’m a day late and a dollar short

I’m gonna end up on the road
with my clothes in a garbage bag
Maybe I’ll rob me a liquor store
or I’ll end up on a slab

I needed this job just to pay the rent
My lucks all bad theres nothing heaven sent
I’m a day late and a dollar short

My lucks gotta change I need to pay the rent
But my lucks run dry I dont have one red cent
and I’m a day late and a dollar short

Here I was on my way
I was trying to set things right
then I find out to my dismay
I aint gonna eat tonight

I was On my way to this interview
I needed this Job I’m overdue
but I’m a day late and a dollar short

"A Day Late and a Dollar Short"
by Steven M Bryant

2011 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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